
Female university student.

Female university student.

Have completed and passed the first 180 credits of a STEM degree.

Have completed and passed the first 180 credits of a STEM degree.

Still studying a degree, master’s, postgraduate or doctorate course.

Still studying a degree, master’s, postgraduate or doctorate course.


General requirements

Any female students that have officially passed the first 180 credits of a STEM degree, and that are still enrolled and studying for said degree, or a master’s, post-graduate or doctorate degree as a continuation of their studies may participate as entrants in the 7th edition of the WONNOW Awards. The university degree must be approved by the Spanish National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) and must appear on the list of degrees from the area of sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics accepted by the awards.

In addition, female students studying degrees in the area of sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics not included on this list and who fulfil the other indicated requirements may request their registration, although this will be at the organisers’ discretion.

Entrants must be women and, for the purposes of the awards, women shall be understood as persons registered as being of feminine gender in the Civil Registry and with said gender appearing on their identity document (DNI) or equivalent document.