Frequently asked questions

Here you’ll find answers to the most frequently asked questions.

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To find out if you can take part in the 8th edition of the WONNOW Awards, check if you fulfil the requirements indicated in the legal terms and conditions: the awards are aimed at female individuals, of legal age and with their tax residence in Spain, who must have officially passed the first 180 credits of a STEM degree studied at a Spanish university, and that are still enrolled and studying a degree, master’s, post-graduate or doctorate course as a continuation of their studies.

The degree they are studying must be approved by the Spanish National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) and must be included on the list of STEM degrees in Annex I of the terms and conditions. For more information, please consult the legal terms and conditions using this link.

You can compete for a €10,000 cash prize to continue or expand your studies, training or entrepreneurial projects, and/or 15 prizes of paid internships to work at CaixaBank for six months. You can compete for one or both prizes, depending on your interests.

If you have taken part in previous editions, but were not a winner, we encourage you to enter again and choose to enter for one or both prizes. You can log in here. If you don’t remember your password, don’t worry, you can recover it and review the information and documentation you submitted previously and then send your entry for the 8th edition of the WONNOW Awards.

The period for submitting entries will start on 5th of March 2025 and will end on 30th of June 2025.

You can submit your entry here to take part in the 8th edition of the WONNOW Awards.

While the registration period is open you can make as many changes as you consider necessary. You can even complete part of the form and continue later, provided you’re within the registration period. To do this, all you need to do is log in here, edit what you want and save the change at the bottom of the page. You can do this as often as you like during the registration period.

For both awards, the educational, professional, personal and social achievements of the participants are assessed. Any additional information you can provide us with will be welcome.

The following will be taken into consideration for the 15 winners of the internship prize:

  • Educational, professional, personal and social achievements. Participation in projects, research, professional work, awards, courses, partnerships, attendance at conferences, publications, knowledge of languages, social and cultural activities, etc. will be an advantage.
  • Reasons included in the motivation letter or video for choosing the project/area(s) selected in which they want to participate in case they get the paid internships and what they expect to get out of the participation.

The following will be taken into consideration for the €10,000 cash prize:

  • The unweighted mean or average mark of the subjects in the academic record of the first 180 studied and completed credits of any of the degrees included in the competition.
  • Educational, professional, personal and social achievements. Participation in projects, research, professional work, awards, courses, partnerships, attendance at conferences, publications, knowledge of languages, social and cultural activities, etc. will be an advantage. 

If entering for both prizes, the following will be taken into consideration:

  • The unweighted mean or average mark of the subjects in the academic record of the first 180 studied and completed credits of any of the degrees included in the competition.
  • Educational, professional, personal and social achievements. Participation in projects, research, professional work, awards, courses, partnerships, attendance at conferences, publications, knowledge of languages, social and cultural activities, etc. will be an advantage.
  • In the case they are competing for both prizes, for the motivational letter or video, the above two sections will be taken into consideration.

The requirements to take part in the 8th edition are as indicated in the legal terms and conditions: female individuals, of legal age and with their tax residence in Spain, who have officially passed the first 180 credits of a STEM degree studied at a Spanish university, and that are still enrolled and studying a degree, master’s, post-graduate or doctorate course as a continuation of their studies.

The degree they are studying must be approved by the Spanish National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) and must be included on the list of STEM degrees in Annex I of the terms and conditions. For more information, please consult the legal terms and conditions using this link.

The winners will be publicly announced through the posting of a press release by CaixaBank and Microsoft Ibérica on their corporate social media, etc. The winning entrants will be told in advance about their award, with sufficient notice so that they can prepare to join CaixaBank and/or receive the cash prize.

The cash prize is awarded after the awards ceremony for the 8th edition of the WONNOW Awards. If you want to be kept informed, we recommend that you check the calendar on our homepage, where you can see the latest news about the phases of the awards.

The planned start date for the internships at CaixaBank is 1st October 2025, with a duration of six months.

If you have any questions or require any information, you can contact us here. We’ll be delighted to help!

You should submit the unweighted mean or average mark of the subjects in the academic record of the first 180 studied and completed credits of the STEM degree that you have included in your entry.

No, in order to take part in the WONNOW Awards it is necessary to have studied your STEM undergraduate degree at a Spanish university and for it to be approved by the  Spanish National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA).

The length of the letter must not exceed 700 words and the video must not exceed 1.5 minutes. If you need help with the preparation, there is an example letter in the entry registration form, in the same section where you can upload the file.

You should send a curriculum that contains all the information that you think we need to know about you to advance through the various selection process phases.

No, the unweighted mean or average mark of the subjects in the academic record of the first 180 studied and completed credits of your degree is evaluated.

If it is a dual degree, yes. If they are two separate degree, you should enter using the STEM degree for which you have the highest mark in the first 180 studied and completed credits. However, you must include information about and the mark for the other degree(s), because, although it is not a requirement in the selection process, it is a significant positive achievement that is taken into account.

No, you must enter using the mark for the first 180 studied and completed credits of your degree.

In that case, calculate the unweighted average of the first 180 studied and completed credits yourself. Do this using the certificate or academic record that your university can give you and also include the calculation you have performed so that we can check it (a copy of the spreadsheet you used, for example).