The award winners, four students from Catalonia, two from Andalusia, two from Murcia, one from the Autonomous Community of Valencia and one from the Canary Islands, were chosen from 440 STEM degree students from 70 Spanish universities that participated in this second edition of the competition.
As well as their academic records, their personal experiences were assessed to select them. The participants completed a form containing questions to examine their achievements and assess their general profile. Their curriculums and their average marks for the first 180 credits passed were also assessed.
Carlota Parés, a dual degree student of Computer Engineering and Telematic Engineering at La Salle Campus, University Ramon Llull, received a special prize of 10,000 euros for having the best academic record. She will also have access to a paid internship to work at CaixaBank and will benefit from a mentoring programme offered by Microsoft Spain, along with another nine winning students:
- Fátima El Baghdadi, a student of Mechanical Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.
- Isabel Lax, studying for a degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Cartagena.
- Belinda González, studying for a degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Granada.
- Natalia Franch, studying for a degree in Computer Engineering at Jaume I University.
- María José Martínez, studying for a degree in Industrial and Automatic Electronic Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Cartagena.
- Nàdia Cosor, studying for a degree in Audiovisual Systems Engineering at Pompeu Fabra University.
- María Ángeles Fuentes, studying for a degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
- Olivia Andolz, studying for a degree in Multimedia majoring in Web Engineering at the Open University of Catalonia.
- Natalia Borrego, studying for a degree in Agricultural and Rural Environment Engineering at the University of Córdoba.